Friday, March 4, 2011

Weak Individuals Need Not Apply

We teachers have to juggle so much. This is a profession that only those strong and quick on their feet can handle.

I had three sick kiddos today. All had one or two trips to the health room where temperatures were taken, but not high enough to be sent home. One did make it home, after vomiting the length of the main hall as we walked to art.

At the end of the day the stormy dark sky was making the kids uneasy and a little scared. And what comes next? Sirens and an announcement to head to the lower level due to a tornado warning. Throw in some parents wandering through the school looking for their kids and you have what feels like near chaos.

What helps me make it through? Well, it is Friday so I'll have two days off. Plus a fellow teacher and I were heading to Happy Hour where I'll have adult conversation and that tall beer. What a job.


  1. Happy hour on Fridays should be mandatory for teachers! Have a peaceful deserve it!

  2. Becky,
    You title is a masterpiece. It's also interesting to me the power of words such as stormy, sirens and chaos.
    Sounds like an intense day.
    May your weekend be restful,
