Thursday, March 15, 2012

Five Reasons I Appreciate My Cat

1. Greets Me - When I arrive home each evening, I get out of my car in the garage
and hear him inside meowing a cat "Hello, I've missed you".
2. But Aloof - Though he does greet me, it is just a few minutes of petting him,
then he wants out the door. When I let him back inside he simply strolls by
without a glance my way.
3. Companionship - One of his choice night time sleeping spots is a chair in my
bedroom. Often he wanders into a room I'm in occasionally to "speak", gain
acknowledgement, then moves on.
4. Not a lap cat - That says it all for me. We both agree on that.
5. Independent - I can go away for a few days leaving him stocked with supplies and
he does quite well.
Overall, we are a good fit for each other. I appreciate that.


  1. And that is why I love cats! I like their independence and quirky ways. This is a great idea for my post tomorrow!

  2. Cats are so independent and capable of taking care of themselves. They are so much company (on their terms of course).
