Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday Club

It is the end of the day and almost the end of the week when we gather in the computer lab. I describe it that way because I'm usually feeling the effects of a Thursday when the fourth and fifth graders come together. I'm a little tired. The kids don't seem to be.

Our school had a great opportunity again this year. The engineering department of the university in our town would sponsor a Lego Robotics program. They provide the kits and an engineering student to guide us through building and programing.

Today the challenge was programing your gobot to travel through a maze. Students planned turns and rotations then tested repeatedly. Some became a little frustrated, but never gave up.

At 5:15 we pack up and students seem to bounce out to meet parents. "It's a great experience," I tell myself as I drag myself back to my classroom. And it really was.

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