Thursday, March 17, 2011


The media center had a great crowd tonight. Around 22 parents gathered for the second PTO meeting. The new president spoke of what has happened at our school since their last, initial meeting. A way to contribute to a school wide teacher appreciation that only costs $1.00, great for families with tight budgets. 500 box tops collected on one Wednesday "store". A parent volunteer in three mornings to copy and laminate. The beginning of a room parent program.

It truly brought tears to my eyes. This is a revitalization. A phoenix rising.

Six years ago our school went through a close-the-achievement gap process. The amount of teacher effort that has gone in to this school is unmeasurable. A massive transformation. The achievement gap is closing.

Tonight symbolized another process.

Six years ago only two couples and one other parent attended our first parent meeting. I remember the empty chairs we had set up in anticipation. We learned a lot that night about welcoming parents into the school. Through the years we built connections with our weekly home visits, teacher planned and led activity nights, and so much more.

But is is not really a night for tears, even tears of joy. It is cause for a celebration. Celebrating how much our school family has grown.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me happy for you, & the fact that you all should celebrate in a big way-all the way to the end of the year! What a piece of good news & what work you all must have done these years. It's a story that people should tell in the news!
